
Here you can find a couple of exercises related to our most beloved rhino for download.



1. highrise-DJ
Our simple but playful interpretation of a field of cross shaped towers on a rigid grid shows some differentiation… and associativity with one point. You can move the point by using grasshoppers remote control view and then see the highrises reacting in real time.

exercise here


2. population
This is about the population of a surface with simple spheres – whereby the size (radius) of each sphere will be defined by the z-value of its centre-point. The number of spheres is defined by a slider.

exercise here


3. street
An exercise on law-curves that control the shape of a row of boxes. The direction of the boxes is either controlled by a fixed angle or can be adjusted by a slider.

exercise here


This exercise plays with one of the current formal fashions – „the twist“. Based on two bezier-curves a surface is created which again performs as the basis for a row of beams. The beam’s height is related to its length and the number of beams, i.e. the more beams the less height – structurally not correct though.

exercise here


This exercise is inspired by the work of Gramazio+Kohler, Zuerich. We have translated a grasshopper-exercise of Zach Downey, and, into german brick-sizes and modified the exercise. In this case the rotation of each brick is related to the shape of the „mother-surface“ which again is controlled by two curves.

This is currently under construction!

Nutzung des Lasercutters im Lehrgebiet Digitales Entwerfen und Konstruieren, Raum D105.

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9 Responses to “downloads”
  1. klint sagt:

    Looking forward to try those exercises. Just trying to learn Grasshopper and this looks interesting.

  2. sjaw sagt:

    thank you so much!

  3. dreabgi sagt:

    Hi, i am very much interested in those brick wall exercises. Is it finally public and can I find it somewhere? Thanks a lot!

    • toolboxtrier sagt:

      Sorry, we didn’t manage to update the exercise, yet… too many other things. But I hope to come up with some more things during the summer…

  4. Marcin sagt:


    Is there any possibility to get more info about this tutorial?
    I work on brick screen project and it looks very helpful…..

    Toolboxtrier: maybe we could update the fifth only before summer?…pllllllease! 😉
    Thanks for the old and future tutorials – all is VERY useful!

  5. mrv sagt:

    this look very helpful:)

  6. Jean-Frederic Monod sagt:

    I’m particularly interested in that brick wall exercise. It’s exactly what I am trying to achieve. Any plans on releasing it anytime soon ?



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